Ideas for Boosting your Immune System
During the cold winter days, many offices are seeing a decrease in their employees’ productivity and an increase in medical leaves. Colds become common and hundreds of people are getting the flu. But the forecast doesn’t have to be so gloomy. If you are looking for simple ways to increase productivity in the office and […]
GoWISE USA Body Fat Scale Review
Motivation comes through progress so it’s important that progress is monitored. Weight Scales are interesting. Some believe they’re a useful tool to have on their weight dropping journey, others find them frustrating, looking down at their scales, feeling discouraged because of not dropping the amount of weight they had hoped. I, myself use scale. I […]
Listen Carefully : Republicans are Telling You Just How Screwed Pre-Existing Conditions Are
Headlines from around the country with angry constituents at town hall meetings has me positively glowing. There are many things on their minds, but the one common thread is the repeal of the ACA. The ACA is now MORE POPULAR than it ever was before. Because NOW the threat of it’s repeal is more real […]
CLA Safflower Oil Review
Losing weight is great. Never having gained the weight is best. CLA Safflower Oil says it can help do both. That’s quite the claim isn’t it? The thing that gives CLA Safflower Oil its crediability among weight loss solutions, aside from thousands of testimonials across the internet, is the backing of Doctor Oz and other experts in the […]
4 Transformational Yoga Courses that Help
Yoga is perhaps the best method to increase both physcial and metal health. I practice it often for that very reason. I came to Yoga four years ago. At that time the only thing worse than my romantic relationship was my health. I was finishing up school and didn’t have any balance in my life. […]
France: Number 1 Healthcare System in the World
So, turns out there are tons of information available about the French healthcare system. And, of course, all systems are complex with many different facets. In this blog post, I’m going to point out a few things I found most interesting. At the end are all the resources you can read for further understanding and […]
Diabetic Math: What the GOP “Plan” Looks Like For a Person with Diabetes
As I well knew, the GOP “plan” for replacement falls way short. Really, all it’s doing is returning us to Pre-Obamacare error health insurance industry with only two differences: a tax credit for insurance and a tax on “Cadillac plans”. Yeah.. Pretty much a big fat nothing of a plan. But let’s put it into […]
5 Best Courses to help Strengthen Your Relationship
You can’t live a healthy lifestlye if you don’t have healthy relationships. In fact it’s healthy relationships that motivate and inspire us to maintain healthy bodies. Why is this the case? Simple. Life works inside out. Well nutured relationships make well nutured hearts. And well nurtured hearts lead to well nurtured bodies. Below I outline […]
Uncooked meals and bathroom Breaks? (Dr. Doug Graham)
Does eating fruits and vegetables mean you have to camp near bathroom. It’s a very good question I find it fascinating that the official urological position on urinary frequency is that if you are urinating fewer than five times per day. You are definitely dehydrated that if you are urinating more than 15 times per […]
The 3 Week Diet” Review Lose 21 Pounds in 21 days!
100% transparency. Me and Diets have a love hate relationship. I’ve been on diets that felt like cheating, magic almost, and I’ve been on others where the only thing I lost was my time…and patience…and hope…and a lot of other things that I won’t get into because I’m sure it will just make me depressed. […]