5 Best Courses to help Strengthen Your Relationship


You can’t live a healthy lifestlye if you don’t have healthy relationships.

In fact it’s healthy relationships that motivate and inspire us to maintain healthy bodies.

Why is this the case?

Simple. Life works inside out.

Well nutured relationships make well nutured hearts. And well nurtured hearts lead to well nurtured bodies.

Below I outline 5 of the best courses to take to help reignite the love you once had. The relationship you’re in is probably worth fighting for. Now it’s time to learn how. 

1. MeetYourSweet.com

About MeetYourSweet.com

MeetYourSweet.com focuses on relationship recovery.

This includes relationships that have been lost as well as relationships that are on shaky ground.

This course is for couples who feel trapped, stuck, or otherwise unhappy. You can wake from this nightmare, you just need a little help.

Meet Your Sweet Relationship Recovery is here to give you the help you need.

The course and/or Ebook was created by Rachel Rider. She’s a professional author and counselor who has been in the counseling industry for over 15 years. She has worked along side noted clinical pyschologist Richard Wheeler, who himself has been in the industry for 25 years.

How much does it Cost?

Relationship Recovery Ebook along with instructional DVD’s cost $47 USD


Fortunate for me, my relationship hasn’t been on the brink of collaspe in sometime, but for those who’s relationship is, I recommend Meet Your Sweet Relationship Recovery program.

This Program is comprehensive and the step by step guide offers you the hope you need to get your relationship back on the right track, and all for the cost to fill up a gas tank.


4/5 *****

Looking for more Information? Find it here

2. CertifiedRelationshipCoaching.com

About CertifiedRelationshipCoaching.com

CertifiedRelationshipCoaching.com markets itself to both couples who are experiencing trouble in their relationship and people who are looking to become coaches themselves.

This is unique among the courses listed. Dr. Joe Rubino promises to help you reconnect on a whole new level with your Spouse or Partner to make your relationship close and more satisfying than you’ve ever experienced before — for you both.

He’s been coaching since 1991 and has helped thousands of people to be more effective in their communication and in their relationships.

How much does it Cost?

The course cost $77 USD. The site also provides some free materials.


CertifiedRelationshipCoaching probably gives out as much material as I’ve ever seen a course give out.

PDF materials, Mp3’s, Mp4’s, and more.

Dr. Rubino’s long history of working with deteriorating relationships helps instill confidence in his relationship healing techniques.

The value you find in his products will be dependent on if you want to just fix your relationship or if you have a desire to also help fix your loved one’s as well.


3.5/5 *****

Looking for More Information? Find it HERE

3. DatingAdviceGuru.com

About DatingAdviceGuru.com

DatingAdviceGuru.com is a service that helps men and woman communicate with their partner in a way that helps them open up rather than shut down.

DatingAdviceGuru promises to help woman understand their man better, and men understand their woman.

The products highlighted on the sight are primary marketed to woman, but they have plenty materials for men as well.  Dating Advice Guru gives a great bang for it’s book offering books, DVD’s, and an assortment of other material for a low low price.

How much does it Cost? 

DatingAdivceGuru DVD and other materials cost $39.95, discounted from $99.


DatingAdviceGuru is great for couples who are looking for an extra little spark for their relationship. Things are okay, but secretly both of you know they could be better.

This, differently than the others listed, would be great for couples who are just starting their relationships and want to learn to communicate better before a problem even arises.

That said, in my personal opinion, if your relationship is in real deep trouble, DatingAdviceGuru although it may help, may not be for you, and you should perhaps look to some of the other products listed.


4/5 *****

Looking for More Information? Find it HERE

4. Loveatfirstfight.com

About Loveatfirstfight.com

Loveatfirstfight.com is a highly rated Relationship Counseling service that pledges to help jump start a dead or dying relationship.

LoveatFirstFight was Created by Bruce Muzik. Bruce has more than 20 years of counseling experience and is known as the guy that marriage and relationship counselors send their “toughest” clients to.

Bruce has been featured with BBC and other news outlets and has partnered with Amazon. His TED TALK on Youtube has well over 2 Million Views!

How much Does it Cost?

Prices very depending upon what program you sign up for as well as how many courses you take. A single Course for relationship coaching run $450, but there are other courses as well as a wealth of free materials.


LoveatFirstfight.com is the most expensive of the group, but also the most hands on and well known.

Because of the fame of his TedTalk, Bruce and his team are often busy, but they find the time to help out those who are willing to sign on.

Love at First Fight markets itself to those who are married as well as couples in committed relationships and it leans on communication and honesty to breakthrough to both parties.

This is the most balanced and well researched courses in this article, but based upon the testimonials on the website, it’s well worth the money.


4.5/5 ***** (Highest Rating)

Looking for more Information? Find it HERE

5. Questionsforcouples.com

About QuestionsforCouples.com

QuestionsforCouples.com is a site that services couples in relationships that are looking to draw closer.

It’s main materials come in the form of digital Ebooks that are quickly read and easy to implement. The creator of QuestionsforCouples.com is Michael Webb.

Michael is a renowned author and relationship counselor who has been working with couples for over a decade.

How much does it Cost?

QuestionsforCouples ebook cost $27. This $27 includes a free copy of the ebook “101 Romantic Ideas”.


I actually stumbled upon Questions For Couples while reading Woman’s World Magazine.

I looked up the information and bought the book. When it arrived me and my partner sat down together and went over the questions.

It was an entertaining and revealing session. It honestly felt like we had just went to thearpy except their was no one across the room sitting on a large leather couch looking at us critically and writing everything we say down on a notepad. After having gone through the questions, I can say confidently that it is worth the investment.


4/5 *****

Looking for More Information? Find it HERE

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